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EnviroLogik Software Demo's

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EnviroLogik is a SmartBuildings Technology Business and provides 24/7 remote monitoring of Commercial Buildings Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing systems.


The EnviroLogik IoT system enables critical equipment to provide instant information about  failures from gas, electric and water supply failures as well as from equipment that can affect the building operation, such as pumps, air con, heating, hot water, commercial kitchens and water leaks.


Below is a narrated explanation and walkthrough of a live IoT site demo that shows what IOT is for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing systems in Commercial buildings, and why you should have it.


The system operates continuously in the background and does not need someone physically continuously monitoring the system. Alarms are pushed to a users device


The dashboard visualisation is simply a large live cloud based window into the “key items” of MEP equipment and allows a clear view of all the MEP assets connected and any associated alarms


The EnviroLogik system differs from other IoT systems as it provides instant alerts from hundreds of devices from a single site access that connects potential instant alerts to MEP issues day and night to real estate managers and contractors whenever there is a technical problem which can be acted upon immediately thereby preventing major failures.

This video below is a colleague narrating through the software. Scroll Down for further Videos

Knight Frank 105 Victoria St IoT Installation Walk through
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Below are some further narrated videos. 


The first is a narrated explanation and walkthrough of a live IoT site showing Indoor Air Quality and other Environmental Conditions


The next video is a narrated explanation and walkthrough of a live IoT site showing Chiller and Chiller Analytics


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