SMARTIoT Radiator Control system
Don't Heat Un-Occupied Rooms or Areas
We optimise energy savings and comfort by enabling rooms to
be heated according to occupancy and need.
Our SMARTIoT Radiator Monitoring and Control system saves energy by NOT heating un-occupied rooms. Smart Radiator valves Sensors are system powered that do not require batteries that fits onto the radiator valves on any radiator heating system and is available to suit all valve types and sizes. These connect also wirelessly to a Gateway.
How do they work?
Click on the image below to download a short PDF overview presentation
The Radiator Controllers harvest energy from the temperature differential between the radiator valve that they’re connected to and the ambient room temperature. It’s called the thermoelectric effect. That creates a small current that trickle charges an internal cell.
It’ll last 2 years with no hot water but obviously it’s expected to be heated each winter. That’s enough to power the actuator and communications. We change the comms frequency for the summer to help minimise energy use.
Also, the integrated cells are advanced (not lithium ion) with a life of 10 years before they start to suffer degradation like phone batteries. They are plug and play replaceable so the devices can be relifed to 20,30 years. That can be done on site.
During the summer we do a full “reference run” every 6 weeks that pushes the thermostatic valve pin all the way in and out to prevent calcification and stuck pins come the heating season. Very useful in London with the water quality.
the integrated cells are advanced (not lithium ion) with a life of 10 years before they start to suffer degradation like phone batteries. They are plug and play replaceable so the devices can be re-lifed to 20,30 years. That can be done on site.