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Compliance Monitoring Systems

Commercial Buildings, Restaurants and other Hospitality Venues have legal obligations to look after Building occupants. From the water they consume to the food they eat. They all need to be regularly monitored for quality

Food Temperatures have to be recorded every 4 hours to ensure food quality. Business still use manual recording systems. See Below for an example of the costs involved with manual recordings vs automatic

Fridge Recording ROI.png


IoT Sensors are smaller, cheaper and easier to install especially on M&E and HVAC systems, with monitoring applications that are only limited by ones imagination.

Our IoT smart building systems connect and monitor any size and type of commercial or industrial property, but are particularly suited to smaller buildings - such as those without a BMS and those on Business parks etc, without the major capital investment or disruption of hardwired systems. IoT is ideal in smaller buildings allowing for simple installation and a fast cost benefit.


Water Quality

The importance of ensuring that the water we use throughout either a commercial, healthcare, retail or hospitality venue has to comply with the latest government and food hygiene standards, and the frequency of testing and flushing of low-used water outlets. It cannot be overstated how important this is. Additionally regular testing of closed loop hot and cold systems has to be undertaken

One basin/sink tap (that has to be flushed) in a commercial facility will use around 6 litres per minute, so for a 5 minute flush that's 30 litres straight down the drain. Multiply that by the number of taps in your facility and that you need to flush weekly, suddenly you can see where wastage occurs. This Blog article goes into greater detail.

Automating this can easily be achieved with an IoT system that will monitor the temperatures of low-used outlets, but will also record them for compliance reporting 

As well as including Alerts to notify impending problems, it also provides information to M&E technicians known as "Know before You Go" diagnostics to help them identify the actual problem before attending site so they can fix the problem.


These systems are designed to Predict a potential failure, Prevent them from failing and Protect the systems on an ongoing basis.


Its a great way of notifying maintenance teams of corrective actions needed. To implement a predictive maintenance system then sensors need to be installed on those key items to enable the monitoring to take place

By using our IoT technology, it is possible to monitor anything from simple split systems, boilers, display fridges, kitchen cooling and refrigerated storage equipment in retail and hospitality environments and is ideal for smaller offices or more individual and often remote buildings, without major capital investment or disruption of hardwired systems. 
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