You've probably heard of Google Nest or Hive which are domestic heating and room radiator control systems for residential buildings. These allow homeowners to take control of individual room temperatures either directly on the thermostat or via an App.
The objective of these smart heating controls is to save energy which is especially important in these tough economic times.
What about scaling these up on a larger scale? Are these available for commercial buildings, especially those with varying occupancy such as Hotels, Offices, Student accommodation etc? is there a system that exists for much larger numbers of radiators?
The answer of course is yes, but in a different format and with both central and local control but with limitations so the user can't over or underheat rooms. The very nature of these building mentioned above will usually have varying occupancy and will probably mean that empty rooms are being heated.
Management have access to a variety of Dashboards and tools that can shut down systems due to no occupancy or if a window has been left open. This case study shows the savings that have been achieved by Oxford University.
This page on our website explains what our Smart Radiator Control and Monitoring system does on a large scale
Do you have a building with multiple radiators and want to stop heating empty rooms or areas? Get in touch to request a quote or Tel 07894 204666