In large scale commercial central heating systems with multiple radiator circuits, Its a common problem in buildings with frequent varied occupancy where the heating is often left on even though there is no one in the room. Most people don't even realise that heating empty rooms costs 35% in wasted energy at the very least. In many cases its even more.
If those aforementioned rooms happen to have thermostatic radiator valves or electric heaters and the occupants don't even think about changing the temp or on/off setting. how can you stop heating those empty rooms?
The process is simple. it makes no difference whether you have a wet or electric heating system. We take overall control and management of all the radiators/heaters through our IoT retrofit solution.
By linking our LoraWan IoT occupancy sensor to a new retrofit LoraWan smart radiator valve or special LoraWan electric heater relay and RF thermostat we know when someone is/isn't in the room. Secondly we limit the max/min temp range that the heaters work to, so no matter whether the occupant tries to set a higher or lower temperature, our management system limits what they can set.
Both our systems allow us to set schdules, monitor and adjust temperatures remotely without having to send anyone to the room. Additionally optionalwindow sensors will detect if a window has been opened and shut the system off
To learn how our Wet Radiator control system works click on this link
To learn how our Electric heater control system works click on this link
Well provien savings and fast ROI's in multiple cases, most notably this case study at Oxford Universtities Corpus Christi College.
Applications and Use Cases include:
University student accomodation
Day Care Centres
Care Homes
Installation on wet radiators with existing TRV valves usually takes less than 1-minute per valve and without any disruption or drain down needed.
Electric Radiators simply needs the installation of an electric relay which is connected to the fused spur supply and typically takes around 15-20 minutes per heater.
We offer flexible pricing and ROI's ususally less than 3-years based on project size/type. Hardware and a flexible subsription are required to provide the management and remote control